Frontier Letter in One Sentence:

Exploring the effect of technology on the human experience.

One paragraph:

The Frontier Letter is where I aim to distill the complexity at the frontier of our understanding of topics in the areas of innovative and emerging technologies and how they interact with humanity and the associated topics in the humanities*. The aim is that in my explorations, while I may not hit the mark considering the uncertainty, I can add to the conversation and inspire your journey in whatever way that looks. In turn, I hope that helps make the community more hopeful and less threatened by the future so that we can flourish and grow from one another.

*Philosophy, Social Sciences (Psychology, Economics, Sociology, etc.), Religion, Art, Film, Literature, and Poetry.

Why Subscribe?

Subscribe to The Frontier Letter if you crave deep dives into both technological innovation and philosophical contemplation. Each edition is crafted to challenge your perceptions, broaden your horizons, and equip you with knowledge and insights that inspire action and personal growth.

By approaching complex ideas voluntarily, openly, and honestly, I hope we can add something to the conversation and provide insight and inspiration for you to take away!

Sometimes, it may be tech-heavy, and sometimes, it may be humanities-heavy, but most of the time, we will tread a fine line between both.

It's not only a fascinating topic, but it's an important one.

Excited to have you on board!

We are issuing:

Frontier Letter: bi-weekly newsletter

In between these bi-weekly newsletters, there are occasional posts in which I explore various ideas that are at the top of my mind or that I feel are necessary to get closer to personal exploration and truth.

Why I Write:

I am intensely curious about learning both deeply and broadly.

Writing helps me explore the depths of my mind.

Over the past few years, I've learned that there are two paths within—one favoring technology and the other favoring the humanities. The paths are converging.

These two paths feel foundational to my desire and inner draw to be a founder - starting with this newsletter. The Frontier Letter gives me a space to explore many ideas running within, which in turn can demystify ideas that can materialize into the material world as useful products.

First, I would like to build a large enough audience to explore the Frontier Letter full-time and see where the journey takes me.

Here are some quick facts to give you a solid view of who I am:

  • I love stories, and an incredibly well-done show, movie, or book is one of my favorite parts of the human experience.

  • Nothing is more disappointing to me than untapped potential.

  • I love thinking about the big picture.

  • I love deep intellectual conversations.

In university, I studied accounting and obtained a CPA in June 2021. Professionally, I have spent my career in technology risk management (5 years as of July 2024) and am currently a leader and manager for the enterprise risk management team of a financial technology firm.

Paid or Free Publication?

The Frontier Letter is a free publication. I will, at some future point, move to a paid publication.

I fear the potential perverse incentive that may form from monetizing, which may cloud my navigation to the truth. I will likely experiment with both promotional and subscription routes.

I don't know the exact route I will go now, but whatever it may be, it will be subordinate to the pursuit of truth. This is the social contract subscribers enter into when supporting my work. It is important to me, and I hope it's important to you that you still decide to become a paid subscriber, given this condition.

Frontier Media

I want to build a community that seeks to leverage technology to manifest a better future for humanity.


Help make the world less threatened and more hopeful about the future


Create and produce meaningful creation that inspires, enlightens, and empowers people to drive positive change for themselves and their communities.


1. Embrace Responsibility and Accept the Call to Adventure

Aim to accept the adventure that beckons us forward and embrace the responsibility that comes with it. The more burden we can bear, the better place we leave humanity.

2. Be as Honest as possible with Precise and Clear Communication

We can only understand the truth and concepts at a fundamental core if we come to the table with extreme honesty regarding the topic and communicate our interpretation of the perceived truth. Err on the side of radical transparency.

3. Utmost Humility on Strong Shoulders

To educate and teach, you must first approach the subject with an open mind and the expectation that you do not know everything. We must approach topics with humility, allowing us to understand issues to their core. Without letting radical humility become the death of confidence.

4. Learning Daily

The only way to effectively provide value is to stay updated with your knowledge.

5. Speak As You Must; Seek the Truth

You're free to discuss whatever you want, no matter the topic. If the idea is bad, it will die in the face of discussion, not in the darkness of suppression.

6. Help others achieve their best selves.

Foster growth in one another; don't let resentment and envy get the best of you.

7. Strive for Positivity

Optimistic about the future - Let us bring joy to each other and the world in our mission. However, do not let naive optimism get in the way of the truth.

8. Mission-Driven Community

The mission drives us at its absolute core, and it takes precedence.

"He whose life has a why can bear almost any how" - Nietzsche

9. Compete With Yourself

Challenge yourself every day. Try to beat you yesterday, not someone else today.

10. Continuous innovation

Aim to create at all costs. Stagnation is the death of new ideas.

11. Meaning over expedience

Aim for meaningful improvement over quick solutions that may come back to bite us.

12. We will make mistakes; Own them.

We're not perfect; no matter how hard you try to be as precise and accurate as possible, sometimes things slip. Error correct, and move forward with the newfound knowledge to try and not make that mistake

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High-quality video edits of my written work.

X (Formerly Twitter)

These are the seeds of some of my ideas. Also, fun tweets. I try to avoid X but commit hard when I’m there :)


I created this space so people can openly discuss ideas presented here or related to my realm of thought. If anyone is interested in owning the subreddit, DM me here or on Twitter.

Subscribe to Frontier Letter

Exploring the effect of technology on the human experience. For the curious and adventurous. Lux in Tenebris


Excited by disruptive technologies and profound thinkers. Curious about the world. Here to learn with everyone!