I love it, Dom! I was smiling reading through Jung's model of the psyche. Most people I come across are usually dismissive of this, thinking it's some 'spiritual' BS that doesn't apply to them but there's so much wisdom to be gleaned from it. I mostly studied Freud (20 years ago that is) and the simpler model was just "ego", "id" and "superego" and I remember growing up watching Tom & Jerry and seeing this played out - in the scene where there's a devil and an angel sitting on someone's shoulders "influencing" their thoughts. Buddhism teaches us about this too - to practice 'distancing' yourself from these emotions because at the end of the day, emotions are fleeting.

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Thank you! I come from outstide the traditional path of academic psychological studies, and I find myself drawn to the Jungian model the most. His idea's are so fascinating and so creative but my intuition is that there is some fundamental truth to them so I do feel it's a shame that he is, in essence, associated with a stigma that seems mischaracterized.

I appreciate the comment, and look forward to your insights should you choose to read more of my work. I really love the pursuit of psychological studies especially as it relates to technology so will be great to get your perspective!

Thank you!


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Definitely some fundamental truth to it. I have only just started picking up the concept of 'duality' (spectrum) in human nature, and the more I research on the topic, the more perspective shifting effect it has on me. I think you'll enjoy this other recent concept I came across - "The Master and His Emissary", it's the hemisphere theory that Dr. Iain McGilchrist put forward. How our ambition is driven by the left hemisphere (emissary) but without the overarching control of the right hemisphere (the master), our view of the world becomes warped.

Essentially, it represents the notion that 'two entities' exist in one - like the literature of Dr. Jekyll an Mr. Hyde.

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Wow that is a fascinating concept and I'm psyched to look into it! It brings the thought to mind that we do not entirely control ourselves, which is quiet strange in and of itself, but is an obvious fact when analyzed. If everyone acted exactly as they wanted, and exactly as they told themselves, there would not be much of a need for therapy and arguments would be close to null. People act in strange ways, and against their own conscious will, all the time, and the fact that parts of you may be pulling the strings of your conscious mind seems to makes sense:

"“People don't have ideas. Ideas have people.”


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Mar 12Liked by Dominic Stocchetti

Hello Dom, great content as always! Quick question, do you still go live on TikTok??

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Hi Liz! No I have stopped my content on tik tok to focus on the Frontier Letter. I think that while important, I want to expand my scope of research and thought outside of cryptocurrency to many different realms of technology! Writing allows me to really explore things deeply, I do like the livestream format so I will go back to it eventually, but all content will be downstream of the newsletter for now! I will keep everyone posted though - I appreciate the comment!

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